Vera Angelova was born in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Grew up as thoughtful, dutiful kid with a highly developed sense of efficiency. Until graduation of high school she was always bringing home the top grades at the end of each semester. The only one of these high grades, where a huge effort lied behind it was the A in Literature in 10th and 11th grade.
Seeing her fight for it, unlike the other subjects where it came with natural ease, her parents adviced to continue studying Engineering. And so she did.
Two years before getting her Masters degree in Building Construction Technology, she started a job as... Assistant Editor in a specialised building and construction magazine. In a short while she became Editor and eventually Editor in Chief.
Writing har way through a career, she continued writing for fun as well and in 2019 her first book, a sitcom novel, was publised. Currently available only in Bulgarian with original title Съквартиранти (that losely translates as "Chums", "Roommates", "Flatmates" or "Flirtmates") tis sitcom novel is an easy read that follows the surprisingly improvisational life of a bunch of university students through the lecture halls, campus rooms, pubs, bars and between the sheets.