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How Sterile Romances Killed Kenny

Updated: Jan 12, 2021

Now think of a really good love scene in a book. And another one. Can you find an even better one? One that feels real? Makes your heart race? There should be one that really makes you feel in love, every time you read it... No! Movies don't count. Including when they are based on a book.

There is one scene I have ever read, where they kiss "like they mean it". And it is soaked with impossibe. Also fueled by arguable obsession. And ends up gross. At least half of my life I have been wondering why. Is it me or is the world's literary heritage?

Let's assume it is me, because talking about the world heritage, chances I am acquaintant of more than 1% of it are thin, as it expands with rate, larger in times with my reading or listening capabilities. Also talking about romance will sooner or later make it necessary to define "literature".

What do I, as a reader, expect from a romantic scene?

Firstly, "kiss like you mean it". Could be my early encounter with the scene I mentioned, but this is of paramount importance. Kissing scenes should make reader's ears ring. Becuse that is what kissing does. If they are suggestive, the reader is left with the strange sensation that they are only getting the paper from the candy. Making them too graphic gives you the candy without the paper, and it often tastes like it has been dropped on the street (and maybe a dog or two marked it)

Secondly, TIMING.

My thirteen-years-old persona was of opinion that romance scenes should be like the cherry on the icecream - used sparcely and on purpose, because overdosing spoils the concept.

My few-times-thirteen-years old persona can only add that romantic scenes are like avocado - it is only edible in the tiny span of several hours of being green and soft (when it is black and overly soft it is too late, while in the long period of being green and hard it is too early).

How do I, as an author, end up in the dungeon of sterile romances, despite my better intention?

I can blame myself that my choice of characters is inadequate, but truth is more likely to be that my limmited reading experience in the field, is backfiring on me. Because I have been searching for a good love scene and in the process inevitably read many books labled as romance, which unfortunately didn't live up to my expectations. Love is easy and natural, relatable and joyful. When there is love in books, it needs to be easily digestable. And the reader should taste the sweetness from the first bite.

Now let's acknoledge's contribution to this text, borrowing the marketable title among options like "The Unconventional Guide to Sterile Romances", "11 Things Your Boss Wants You to Know about Sterile Romances", "Save Your Marriage Using Only Sterile Romances" and "Why Sterile Romances Are Sexy".

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