Автоматични сюжети. Като текстовете с бели полета, които някой в детството ми четеше и се хихикаше, докато другия му казва по команда "прилагателно?", "действие, което може да се прави навън?", "време от денонощието?", "думи с които се опитваш да уплашиш някого?".
Днес опитах автоматичен сюжет за история с вампири.
Tryllian the Vampire Slayer
A Teen Vampire Story
There's a patient new girl in Tisvilde and she has everybody talking. Stunningly ordinary and devastatingly bald, all the girls want her. However, Beth Willis has a secret - she's a mean vampire. Tryllian Harp is a calm, rubenesque girl who enjoys fishing. She becomes fascinated by Beth who can stop dumpbels with her bare hands. She doesn't understand why she's so standoffish. Her best friend, a joyful dragon called Maureen, helps Tryllian begin to piece together the puzzle. Together, they discover the ultimate weapon - the hard, yellow rope. When bodies start turning up all over Tisvilde, Tryllian begins to fear the worst. The dragon urges her to report Beth to the police and she knows she should, so what's stopping her? She may resist Beth's bite, but can she resist her charms? Will she be caught jogging with the vampire?
Auto Praise for Tryllian the Vampire Slayer
"Bursting with originality. A calm girl falling for a ordinary vampire has simply never been done before." - The Daily Tale
"About as moving as a cow stuck in a bog, but Tryllian the Vampire Slayer does deliver an important message about not having a dragon for a friend."
- Enid Kibbler
"A hard, yellow rope would be my first choice too. This must be based on a true story, you couldn't make this stuff up!"
- Hit the Spoof
Не е зле, но сякаш криминалният трилър ми е силата. Аз виждам квантов скок, в сравнение с вампирската история. Не е ли?
The Mangled Ears A Crime Thriller Mangled Ears have been turning up all over Scotland and the inhabitants are scared. Ten murders in ten weeks, all committed with a mass media, and still nobody has a clue who the rude killer is.
Sir Jack Humble is a curvy and easy-going Engineer with a fondness for knitting. He doesn't know it yet but he is the only one who can stop the unconcious killer. When his friend, Elizabeth Ramsbottom, is kidnapped, Sir Humble finds himself thrown into the centre of the investigation. His only clue is a Round Bin. He enlists the help of a kind ballerina called Reginald Barker. Can Barker help Humble overcome his Facebook addiction and find the answers before the peer-pressured killer and his deadly mass media strike again.
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